In 2006/07 we started the badge sceme.
in this sceme the boys get 2 badges in the first year and then 1 on the second and third
these are in order
The old sceme Going for Gold is set out below
This contains six different badges, to get these badges the boys have to gain five achievements for the white and ten achievements for each of the other badges.
In the first year the boys will achieve the white and green, in the second year they will get the purple and the blue and in the third and final year they will get the red and gold, this badge is carried on to the company armband.
white, simple drill, learn about our company and the church, boyhood of Jesus, the BB badge, uniform and salute.
green 2 from each, from spiritual, adventure, community, interest, physical.
purple 2 from each, from spiritual, adventure, community, interest, physical.
blue 2 from each, from spiritual, adventure, community, interest, physical.
red 2 from each, from spiritual, adventure, community, interest, physical.
gold 2 from each, from spiritual, adventure, community, interest, physical.
Spiritual. teaches about Jesus and the Bible and is the hardest for the leaders to do, however it can be as simple as attending church parade on certain dates.
Adventure. contains things like attending a weekend camp, a study of garden birds, knots, the country code etc.
Community. this is the one that moms like as it contains things like cleaning shoes, helping in the home, setting a table, highway code, simple first aid.
Interest. the boys are keen to do this as it contains things like making a model, playing an instrument, computing etc,
Physical. the boys are keen on this one as well because they can play football, swim, run, jump, throw etc.